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Home > Wooden Compost Bins & Lids > Composting Accessories > BIG SQUARE Compost DUVET - Heat Retainer & Accelerator

BIG SQUARE Compost DUVET - Heat Retainer & Accelerator

BIG SQUARE Compost DUVET - Heat Retainer & Accelerator
Code 1S C1-CDB1
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Big Square Compost Duvets

Designed specifically to fit inside

  • Big Square Compost Bins,
  • Big Square Compost Bin Modules
  • Big Square Professional Composters and Modules

Size: 100cm x 96cm approx.

Materials: made from black woven polypropylene (outer), plastic bubble wrap - now supplied without the brass eyelets

Compost Duvets do what they say on the tin. They keep in the heat generated in the early stages of decomposition. This accelerates the speed of composting. Heat is generated by the microbes and bacteria that consume oxygen and start the softening process of new materials. As more new materials are put into the composter at the top the Compost Duvet is continually at work. Later, as the material goes down the compost bin and cools the worms can go in to complete composting.

Eliminates: The hard work needed when turning decomposing compost materials.

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