Our Wooden Compost Bins and Raised Beds, in fact all of our wooden products, are made from the best environmentally-sound long lasting wood we can buy. Being a live material it will not act uniformly. Even if it is grown in the same forest there will be slight differences in conformity. Further, wood will repay you if it is looked after. It should be placed in a spot where it will not be permanently soaking wet, but where it can dry out thoroughly from time to time.
The component type of construction of Gardening Works products offers you an opportunity to turn boards and posts round to ensure even wear and tear. At this time there is an opportunity to treat annually with a preservative should you wish to do so to help extend the life of your wooden products, however should you need to replace any of the components spare parts are available on our website.
Therefore we can, we will, and we do GUARANTEE that whenever you contact us regarding an issue, we will always listen and do our very best to put matters right for you and the individual circumstances.