Replacement Posts for Wooden Compost Bins and Raised Beds
Gardening Works Raised Beds and Compost Bins are a construction format consisting of interlocking wooden boards and posts
Colour Option: Chestnut Brown
There are 6 size options for upright posts for Wooden Compost Bins/ Wooden Raised Beds, Grow Table Gardens and Planters
1. 15cm - Salubrious Salad Beds – Starter Kits – Mini Raised Beds
2. 30cm - Standard Raised Beds
3. 45cm - Deep Raised Beds - Kid's Compost Bins, WOW wormery Med
4. 60cm – Children’s Wheelchair raised beds height – optional extended height for Raised Beds
5. 75cm – 75cm Classic Compost Bins - Adult Wheelchair Raised Beds - Grow Tables
6. 90cm - For Professional Composters
Select the post size you require from the drop down list.
PLEASE NOTE - as we no longer offer the 45cm pointed posts for the old style economy raised beds with dig in pointed posts - if you wish to get replacements we recommend you choose the 45cm flat post which you should be able to dig in to replace a pointed post